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Map showing location of Jewelry Appraisers in Washington Kenneth W Burchell Appraisal Associates Seattle Jewelry Appraisers


Jewelry Appraisers in Washington State WA

Find the best Appraisers and Gem Labs who cover East and West Washington State and beyond.
To the west, the cities of Seattle, Bellevue and Tacoma. To the east, jewelry appraisal services are provided to Spokane and to cities within reach in the Counties of Spokane, Whitman, Lincoln, Stevens and Kootenai County in ID.

Click the "View Profile" button on the Appraisers' listings below to view their full profile. This displays their credentials, appraisal fees, gallery, client reviews, an outline of their appraisal & gemological services and advice on how you can do business with them.

The Appraisers shown below are arranged by the number of customer reviews they have received.

Tourmaline gemstone
Ken Burchell - Gemologist

Kenneth W. Burchell Appraisal Associates

Near Spokane, WA, USA

Rating (1 review)
Star rating5.0

Details of Spokane jewelry appraiser

This jewelry appraisal practice is based in the Spokane area and carries out appraisals on fine and antique jewelry, watches and diamonds for all purposes, including; insurance coverage, estate, liquidation, resale, divorce, donation as well as post-loss assements in the event of the jewelry being lost or stolen. Clients include members of the public... [more info, fees, reviews etc]

Saleena Zeman - Graduate Gemologist

SAZ Appraisal

Kirkland, Washington, USA

Rating (1 review)
Star rating5.0

View this Kirkland jewelry appraiser

Headed by Graduate Gemologist, Saleena Zeman GG (GIA), SAZ Appraisal delivers quality jewelry appraisals in the Seattle Metropolitan area. Her office is based in Kirkland WA where she appraises fine jewelry, diamonds and watches while-you-wait.

Saleena also has a portable gem lab, which allows the examination and assessment of your precious items... [more info, fees, reviews etc]

Tracey Meltzer - Gemologist

Emerald City Gemological Services

Bellevue, Washington, USA

Rating (0 reviews)
Star rating0.0

View this Seattle jewelry appraiser

This jewelry appraisal practice near Bellevue WA, performs appraisals and valuations for all purposes with a convenient location for drop-off and return of your items.

The company, headed by Certified Gemologist, Tracey Meltzer, GG(GIA), also provides a mobile gem lab and appraisal service by appointment. This enables the jewelry expert to carry out the appraisal in your home, bank, attorney's office, or other secure location in the Bellevue and Seattle area. Areas of expertise include jewelry, watches, colored gemstones, pearls and diamonds.... [more info, fees, reviews etc]

Larry Azose - Gemologist

Gemological Consulting Services

Seattle, Washington, USA

Rating (0 reviews)
Star rating0.0

View this Seattle jewelry appraiser

Graduate Gemologist Larry Azose GG(GIA). is the Principal of Gem Consulting Services LLC based in Seattle and offers while you wait jewelry appraisals and other jewelry-related services at his Downtown office.

An insurance replacement appraisal is the most frequently requested valuation type. It represents the replacement cost of an item should it be lost, stolen or damaged. GCS insurance appraisals are available for jewelry of all periods (modern, vintage, antique etc). All diamonds, pearls and colored gemstones are carefully examined to establish identity... [more info, fees, reviews etc]

info iconTypes of Jewelry Appraisals

Only those specifically referred to on this page are described here

Further types will be mentioned on the Appraisers' profile pages as there are several other types of appraisal reports, each with its own particular wording, purpose, objectives and resulting values. For an expanded list of valuation types, go to the Appraisal Definitions page.

Divorce (rarely requested) - this type of appraisal is used to help divide the tangible assets of a marital estate. The type of value provided in the appraisal report will typically be determined by specific State statutes, by agreement between the parties or by the trier of fact (the Court). Commonly requested types of value include fair market value, liquidation value, replacement value and/or marketable cash value. The level of detail provided may also be a matter of agreement or decree.

Estate Tax (commonly requested) - Estate appraisals prepared to help determine estate tax must meet specific standards outlined in the Code of Federal Regulations and / or the specific regulations of each specific State. For Federal estate tax purposes, the Fair Market Value, as specifically defined by the tax code, is provided based on the methodology and to the level of detail required by the IRS. Recent Tax Court rulings require that these appraisals must meet very specific criteria. This type of jewelry appraisal is very demanding and requires an Appraiser with a high level of education, training and experience in order to help avoid significant tax penalties and possible sanctions by the IRS. Specific value definition and requirements vary between States.

Insurance Replacement (routinely requested) - Replacement value appraisals are intended to be used for scheduled insurance coverage of jewelry and watches. The descriptions are usually the most detailed of any appraisal type and include the quality and condition of the item as well as the cut, color, clarity and carat weight (calculated or estimated) of gemstones and diamonds. When appropriate, the age or historical provenance may also be considered as value elements. Depending on the specifics of the item being appraised, the replacement value may be based on the analysis of sales for similar ‘new’ items of like kind and quality or sales of ‘used’ (vintage) items of comparable kind, quality and utility.

Liquidation (commonly requested) - an appraisal provided to assist the client in the relatively rapid sale of their jewelry or watches may take the form of an appraisal report or a restricted report. It may be presented in either written or verbal format and as with other types of resale valuations the level of detail included and the type of value(s) requested are the client’s choice.

Other Cities in Washington that are listed on Jewellery Appraisers of the World: Bellevue, Everett, Kent, Tacoma & Lakewood and Vancouver.

Burchell Associates logo

Kenneth W Burchell Appraisal Associates

Near Spokane, WA, USA

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Rating 5.0

ECGS logo

Emerald City Gemological Services

Bellevue, Washington, USA

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Rating 0.0

SAZ Appraisal logo

SAZ Appraisal

Kirkland, Washington, USA

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Rating 5.0

GCS logo

Gemological Consulting Services, LLC.

Seattle, Washington, USA

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Rating 0.0